For every day in 2011, I'll be taking a picture of something - could be anything from landscape to people, food to random objects - to highlight my photographic and editing range ... plus just show some pretty cool pictures!
So ... here was my first week of 2011!
January 1, 2011 ~ The breeze (ha!) in North Dakota carries the snow across the roads, and it is so awesome looking!
January 2, 2011 ~ This is one of my favoritest roads in North Dakota ... the road down to Papa's Pumpkin and Polar Patch in Bismarck. It reminds me of "The Road Not Taken" (Robert Frost).
January 3, 2011 ~ Today was Carson's 1st birthday ... and what better way to celebrate than with balloons, cake and a photo shoot with ADP?? Happy birthday, little man! ♥
January 4, 2011 ~ I've spent today chained to the computer, editing my final sessions from 2010 ... and came across this gem of a formal family picture. I don't think I laughed during any other session as much as I did when I spent some time with the Drennan family. This picture pretty much sums their family up: "A picture is worth 1,000 words!"
January 5, 2011 ~ Trisha & Cody are gettin' hitched! Today was a PERFECT day for outdoor shots in the snow, and this fun couple made it even more awesome. ♥
January 6, 2011 ~ Nothing so sweet as a sleeping baby.
January 7, 2011 ~ 10 more weeks until Adison will make her appearance ... and I can NOT wait!!! |
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